

   Beyond Envelope Tracking – 

highly efficient wirele ss datatransmission


时间: 20151221日下午13:30-16:00

地址:上海市浦东新区张东路1388号21幢1楼报告厅,(上海集成电路与产业     促进中心1楼报告厅)




1.Introduction: BeyondEnvelope Tracking

2.Technology introduction:What is the MLINC concept?

3.Evaluation of MLINC

4.Wireless data transmissionwith MLINC: Demonstration results

5.Outlook on technologyusage

About Innsystec

Innsystec, a spin-off ofRWTH Aachen University (Germany), has invented a new solution for highlyefficient and linear HF transmitting devices which encompass the fundamentalsfor further ongoing development. In the seminar the Innsystec team will presenta technology that is tackling the issues of envelope tracking.

What solution is Innsystec aiming for?

Innsystec has come up witha new transmitter architecture based on the multi-level outphasing technology.It is a complete transmitter including the RF power amplifiers. Innsystec’stechnology can be brought into various applications ranging from base stations,small-cells, WiFi for access points and mobile applications, also for 5G basedon massive MIMO solutions. The following figure shows the general block diagramof the solution:


What are the advantages of the solution?

The following figuresummarizes the advantages of Innsystec’s patented approach which can be reachedwith an integrated circuit-solution:


Who should attend?

The technology is veryflexible and can be used in all types of wireless transmitting devices. Innsystec’ssolution will be implemented in an integrated circuit (IC). Everyone who isworking in these fields is welcome to join.

About the speaker:

JunqingGuan has recently graduated with distinction with a PhD in electricalengineering (high frequency electronics) from RWTH Aachen University. He haspublished 20 articles in leading journals and research conferences. He is themain inventor of the presented technology.




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